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6 stories in this thread

05:20 on June 11 2010

Weezer Debut 'Unofficial' World Cup Song, 'Represent' NewsSong is Rivers Cuomo's latest ode to soccer. By James Montgomery Weezer's Rivers Cuomo Photo: Chris Weeks/ WireImage The 2010 FIFA World Cup is officially under... more info
17:22 on June 11 2010

Weezer Debut 'Unofficial' World Cup Song, 'Represent'

VH1 NewsWeezer debuted their "unofficial" World Cup theme, "Represent," on Friday. more info
18:40 on June 11 2010

Weezer Release U.S. World Cup Song

PitchforkRivers Cuomo is an immense soccer fan and the new Weezer song called "Represent" solidifies his obsession. The motivational tune was made especially for the United States... more info
00:18 on June 12 2010

[new] Weezer – Represent: A USA World Cup Song

We All Want Someone To Shout ForThe World Cup kicked off today, but the big match for U.S.A. is tomorrow vs. the challenging England. Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo is a huge soccer fan, and got the band toget... more info
00:31 on June 12 2010

Weezer - Weezer Record Unofficial Usa World Cup Anthem

ContactMusicWEEZER will cheer on the U.S.A. soccer team at Saturday's (12Jun10) Bonnaroo festival in Tennessee by debuting frontman RIVERS CUOMO's unofficial new anthem.Disappointed.... more info
01:53 on June 12 2010

Weezer release free World Cup song supporting the US national football team

NMERivers Cuomo and co issue 'Represent!' on the eve of the USA's group match with England more info


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