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4 stories in this thread

08:59 on September 19 2008

New Weezer album in the works

NMEWeezer are gearing up to record their brand new album, and will reportedly head into the studio in November to begin work. more info
10:30 on September 19 2008

New Weezer Album in the Works

Spinner.comFiled under: News, Weezer haven't even launched their tour in support of the 'Red Album' (officially, their third eponymous disc), and already they're ... more info
12:14 on September 19 2008

Weezer to Record New Album*Weezer* ( will go ( into the studio this November with producer Garrett Lee to work on their new album. more info
10:30 on September 19 2008

Weezer Hits the Studio in November

Silent UproarDrummer Pat Wilson told Billboard Weezer plans to hit the studio again in November to work on the follow-up to Weezer (aka The Red Album). more info


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