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5 stories in this thread

11:12 on December 18 2009

Weezer tour off

Yahoo! Music UKDotmusic - Four US dates are cancelled after bus crash more info
15:38 on December 18 2009

Weezer Cancel Rest Of Tour As Rivers Cuomo Recuperates From Bus Crash

VH1 NewsWeezer have canceled the rest of their Ratitude tour because singer Rivers Cuomo has been ordered by doctors to rest following bus crash injuries. more info
17:15 on December 18 2009

Weezer Cancel Entire US Tour Cuomo's bus crash injuries nix dates... more info
19:03 on December 18 2009

Weezer Cancels More Dates

411 ManiaRivers Cuomo still recovering... more info
14:12 on December 18 2009

Weezer cancels rest of U.S tour

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaRockers Weezer have cancelled the remainder of their North American tour to allow frontman Rivers Cuomo time to recover after a freak bus accident which left him with a p... more info


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