*Cobra Starship* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/cobrastarship)'s new homemade video (http://gabesaporta.com/post/214063511/wet-hot-american-summer-home-video-this-is-one-of) for "Wet Hot American Summer" is pretty funny.
Altsounds — Owl City – the musical manifest of Adam Young – is a bona fide 21st Century recording artist. Gaining notoriety via his MySpace profile, Adam’s... more info
VH1 News — Cobra Starship are gunning for double-platinum grills with their "Hot Mess" video. "We're gonna take it to the next level," frontman Gabe Saporta said of topping 'Good Gi... more info
Chorus.fm — *Cobra Starship* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/cobrastarship)'s new homemade video (http://gabesaporta.com/post/214063511/wet-hot-american-summer-home-video-this-is-one-of... more info