What Do Lady Gaga And Lindsay Lohan Do At Their Sleepovers? A Photo Essay
Last night, Lady Gaga posted some photos from an allegedly epic sleepover party at the Chateau Marmont with Lindsay Lohan and photographer Ellen Von Unwerth. Lilo's Percocet face makes it hard to tell if they were having fun, but how could they not while doing all the things those two like to do when they get together? And no, I'm not talking about giving each other makeovers and playing Truth Or Dare. Here's my very accurate guesstimation of what Gaga and LiLo do at their sleepovers. More »
Pop Crunch — The possibilities are endless! 3 AM pillow fights, shoots with celebrity photographer celebrity photographer Ellen von Unwerth and a few blood-shot eyes were all part of ... more info
Big Apple Music Scene — Last night, Lady Gaga posted some photos from an allegedly epic sleepover party at the Chateau Marmont with Lindsay Lohan and photographer Ellen Von Unwerth. Lilo's Perc... more info