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2 stories in this thread

19:05 on October 6 2009

The Twilight Sad, Brakesbrakesbrakes & We Were Promised Jetpacks played Southpaw (pics, review) -- Bowery tonight

Brooklyn Veganwords & photos by Dominick Mastrangelo The Twilight Sad If it was possible The Twilight Sad have gone even darker on their new record Forget The Night Ahead (Fat Cat). Ye... more info
21:51 on October 6 2009

What's going on Tuesday?

Brooklyn VeganWe Were Promised Jetpacks @ Southpaw Friday (more by Dominick Mastrangelo) tonight in NYC * DANCE * Digital Primitives @ Zebulon * The Roots @ Highline Ballroom * Tanya M... more info


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