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4 stories in this thread

11:04 on May 9 2011

Wild Beasts Announce November UK Tour - Tickets

GigwiseBand to play twelve dates... more info
15:50 on May 9 2011

Wild Beasts announce UK autumn tour - ticket details

NMEBand celebrate the release of 'Smother' with 12 new dates more info
08:55 on May 9 2011

Wild Beasts Announce November Tour

Yahoo! Music UKXFM - The band will play 12 dates as part of the UK headline tour... more info
21:11 on May 9 2011

Wild Beasts announce November headline tour

DrownedInSoundYes, the new Wild Beasts album is all that and a can of kippers. But don't take my word for it, take Krystina Nellis's, who reviewed the album for us. 9/10 by the way. No... more info


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