Word of Mouth: Jennifer Lopez makes an acting comeback in ‘The Back-Up Plan’
The romantic comedy is her first film in three years. CBS Films is banking that she can make its second release a success, but surveys indicate that Lopez might be a polarizing figure for audiences.
The romantic comedy is her first film in three years. CBS Films is banking that she can make its second release a success, but surveys indicate that Lopez might be a polarizing figure for audiences.
L.A. Times - Entertainment — The romantic comedy is her first film in three years. CBS Films is banking that she can make its second release a success, but surveys indicate that Lopez might be a pola... more info
Pop Crunch — “Awful” is the word Australian actor Alex O’Loughlin uses to describes his awkward sex scene with Jennifer Lopez in their new romantic The Back-Up Plan, Sydney... more info
Starpulse — Won't Jennifer Lopez be disappointed if "The Back-Up Plan" bombs at the box office? After all, she's been saturating the media with various appearances all week to pimp o... more info