Hit the replies to check out a couple of live videos from the *Yeah Yeah Yeahs* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/yeahyeahyeahs) show in California last night where they debuted some new songs from their forthcoming album.
Chorus.fm — Hit the replies to check out a couple of live videos from the *Yeah Yeah Yeahs* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/yeahyeahyeahs) show in California last night where they debut... more info
Chorus.fm — *Yeah Yeah Yeahs* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/yeahyeahyeahs) have revealed (http://www.nme.com/news/yeah-yeah-yeahs/68164) the name of their forthcoming album to be Mosq... more info
Prefix — Everyone is back! Justin Timberlake, Suede, David Bowie and now the Yeah Yeah Yeahs! The band just announced their first ...
Read the full article at http://www.prefixma... more info
ContactMusic — A Yeah Yeah Yeahs new album is imminent! The Karen O- fronted New York group revealed on their Facebook page today that Mosquito, a long awaited... more info