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4 stories in this thread

21:04 on April 9 2009

Aerosmith, ZZ Top plan US summer outing

Live Daily( Aerosmith [ tickets ] will put their forthcoming album on hold to hit the road this summer alongside ZZ Top [ tickets ].... continued more info
22:50 on April 9 2009

Aerosmith and ZZ Top for joint US tour

NMEThree dates have been announced so far more info
14:00 on April 10 2009

ZZ Top, Aerosmith Touring Together

BuzzgrinderYeah yeah, Aerosmith sucks. I know. And they're touring with ZZ Top. Yawn. Blah Blah. Why would you care? But before you go bashing Billy Gibbons and company, let me stop... more info
19:04 on April 10 2009

Aerosmith, ZZ Top Set For US Tour

411 ManiaThree dates set... more info


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