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4 stories in this thread

20:08 on June 28 2016

Noel Gallagher Finally Responds To His Brother Calling Him A Potato

StereogumNoel Gallagher always has a lot to say, but he’s been noticeably mum on the subject of his brother Liam calling him a potato a month ago. Thankfully, the elder Gallaghe... more info
08:08 on June 29 2016

Liam Gallagher renews ‘potato’ attack on Noel Gallagher

NMEThis time, Liam calls his brother a 'pouting potato' more info
20:48 on June 28 2016

Noel Gallagher on Spotify: “Why would I want the entire fucking catalogue of the Kaiser Chiefs?”

Consequence of SoundOasis founder also responds to his brother calling him a "potato." more info
20:10 on June 29 2016

Liam Gallagher won’t stop calling Noel Gallagher a “potato”

Consequence of SoundSpecifically, a "pouting potato." more info


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