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4 stories in this thread

06:37 on July 13 2010

Lil Wayne Talks Daily Routine, New Lyrics In Letter To Fans News'Amazing would be too typical and perfect would be unfair,' Weezy says of his new rhymes.By Mawuse Ziegbe Lil Wayne Photo: Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images Since ... more info
09:58 on July 14 2010

Lil Wayne Pens New Letter To Fans NewsLil Wayne has just released a new letter from Rikers Island which updates all of his fans on his progress behind bars and his daily routine. The Young Money boss also wen... more info
18:37 on July 13 2010

Lil Wayne Talks Daily Routine, New Lyrics In Letter To Fans

VH1 NewsLil Wayne revealed his daily routine in jail and thanked dozens of fans by name in a new letter posted on his website, more info
14:36 on July 15 2010

Lil Wayne Writing "Amazing" Lyrics In Prison

AllHipHop(AllHipHop News) Rapper Lil’ Wayne recently wrote to fans from jail and described his life behind bars on Rikers Island."I wake up around 11 a.m. Have some coffee. Call... more info


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