(AllHipHop News) Rapper Lil’ Wayne recently wrote to fans from jail and described his life behind bars on Rikers Island."I wake up around 11 a.m. Have some coffee. Call my kids, and my wonderful mother. I then shower up. Read fan mail," Lil Wayne wrote in a letter posted on weezythanxyou.com.After that, the hip-hop star has lunch, gets back on the phone, reads a book or jots down his thoughts. After dinner, he makes one more trip to the phone and does some pushups. "Then I listen to ESPN.....
MTV.com News — 'Amazing would be too typical and perfect would be unfair,' Weezy says of his new rhymes.By Mawuse Ziegbe
Lil Wayne
Photo: Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images
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MTV.co.uk News — Lil Wayne has just released a new letter from Rikers Island which updates all of his fans on his progress behind bars and his daily routine. The Young Money boss also wen... more info
VH1 News — Lil Wayne revealed his daily routine in jail and thanked dozens of fans by name in a new letter posted on his website, WeezyThanxU.com. more info
AllHipHop — (AllHipHop News) Rapper Lil’ Wayne recently wrote to fans from jail and described his life behind bars on Rikers Island."I wake up around 11 a.m. Have some coffee. Call... more info